Glan Gors

Cliciwch yma i ddarllen y Saesneg

When I found Glan Gors in September 2020, it was apparent very quickly the potential in creating a lovely family home.

Because of the fantastic walking opportunities (in fact the footpath over to Manod Bach runs behind the house), the local mountain biking opportunities, the heritage railway and the wonderful motorcycling roads, the long term aim is to create an occasional B&B supporting these groups.

Whilst it was ready to be moved into, part of its attraction was the fact that it offered a great long term project, not just inside but also the extensive out buildings and cellar!

It was advertised as “part of the old coaching inn, the first one in the area” and whilst you can be sceptical of Estate Agents claims, a little bit of research located the full property on the 1888 OS maps as Glan Y Gors Hotel.

1888 OS mao
Glan y Gors Hotel highlighted on 1888 OS map

I was lucky that as part of my half, it retained the original stable block which is currently set up as a triple bay garage and additional workshop in the ceiling section.

This website hopefully tracks the journey of discovering it history as well as documenting the restoration and providing booking information for the B&B aspect as that becomes available.