Food Blog Introduction

When we do start receiving guests at Glan Gors it will be on a “board only” basis. As part of our offering we will provide access to tea and coffee and a basic breakfast for the guest to prepare themselves.

But Glan Gors is more than that and as part of the restoration, I wanted to create a nice working kitchen and a dining room with character where people can sit, eat, relax and chat.

Food and its creation (as a home cook) has been an evolving part of my life. I have always found cooking relaxing and a way of destressing from a hard week at work and when my life changed direction one of the things I bought with me from my old life was a selection of my favourite recipe books.

Cooking has been an important part of my recent life journey and one personal challenge to myself was not to get in a cycle of cooking the same thing each week, instead at the start I challenged myself to one recipe a week, then two and now as a general rule at least 4 meals a week come from my books.

At the moment, at the time of writing, two meals a week are fresh soups and Saturday is Curry night. I have also invested in a slow cooker which is a new concept for me!

In this blog, I want to share some of my favourite meals but also my cooking journey as I would like food to be an important part of life at Glan Gors and when guests come to stay hopefully this will inspire them to make use of the kitchen and maybe teach me a few things along the way.

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