First venture into the garden

Whilst a bit chilly, this weekend I felt I had spent enough time on the inside of the house and to be honest, everything I currently do seems to involve deconstructing things and I think I have enough to put back together so a spell outside was probably good for me (and the house)!

Spring is coming and a blank canvass to work with

And I’m glad I did, as it was lovely just to explore the garden, start to clear back all of the dead ferns, pick up the covering of leaves and cut back a lot of overgrowth.

My plan this year is to really let the established garden come through and see what is already there, then for 2022 I can build on that. My only caveat is I want to start to establish the meadow flower garden and start to segregate the lawn into the 3 zones and get the flowers established in the mid section.

The 3 tier rockery has a lot of potential but i suspect the overhang from the tree will restrict light

I am keen to start growing my own veg again and I am wondering if an area at the top of the garden which looks like it was previously used as a fire pit could be a good site. At the moment I have just used it as a dumping ground for all of the cleared debris so another option could be for 12 months just to have it establish as an open compost heap. I have never done one of those before (having a plastic compost bin that ended up attracting rats previously) so I’m not 100% sure on that yet. I will need to read up on these a bit more I think, but it would be nice to have my own eco friendly compost heap as opposed to having a mass produced plastic one and if I can establish it in the area where the veg will be grown next year I should be able to just dig it in where it lies.

This space used as a fire pit is probably a good spot to be used for something else

One little find as I was clearing back a section was this creation. I am going to cut back a bit more next weekend and try and establish what the structure is. I am intrigued.

The last part of my planning jigsaw will be to tidy up under the tree in the centre of garden and establish this as a feature. Once again, I think the plan this year will be to see what is already established there and add some wild flowers then next year set about a more planned landscaping.

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